Friday 13 April 2012


 Global Warming changing Seasons 

Time Science: Andrew Brown in the ice.
 The Earth's seasons have shifted back in the calendar year, with the hottest and coldest days of the years now occurring almost two days earlier, a new study finds. This shift could be the work of global warming, the researchers say. To figure this out, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley and Harvard studied temperature data from 1850 to 2007 compiled by the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit in the United Kingdom. They found that temperatures over land in the 100-year period between 1850 and 1950 showed a simple, natural pattern of variability, with the hottest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere landing around July  But from the mid-1950s onward (the period when global average temperatures began to raise the hottest day came 1.7 days. In temperate areas with four seasons, the growing season would be longer with more precipitation. This could be beneficial in many ways for these areas. However, less temperate parts of the world would likely see an increase in temperature and a sharp decrease in precipitation, causing long droughts and potentially creating deserts (Andrea Thompson). As we can all see it is proven that global warming is changing the seasons, ain't you very suprise that nowadays, like now we already experiencing winter whereby it was supposed to start next month which is winter exactly and the fact that Snowfall for 6 hrs ending Fri 13 Apr at 8am Local Time in South Africa also the fact that winter last longer than any other seasons?
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  1. tjo! global warming it suprises me everyday, but thanks for the info...,

  2. You welcome, but you must bare in mind that global warming is a serious issue and its on action already.

  3. As much as we as people would like to live our lives everyday the fact remains that the earth is slowly changing into a disaster due to global warming and it is a very scary factor.

    1. its is but how many people do you thnink they are, familier or well informed about this issue. Its not in publics attention

  4. The earth is slowly changing hey... what will happen in 15years from now? our kids? Global warming is a serious shocking factor...

    1. I thnk its about time we start to believe that the world has come to an end, we all going to die

  5. What has our world become? still no answer, Global warming is serious and has a dangerous impact, but what are we to do about it, nothing and it is going to continue to be an issue.

    1. The fact is even the measures that are taken to prevent it are no longer useful because global warming is in action already, changing temperatures.

  6. The summers are becoming hotter and the winters colder.....will we survive ? people should try and stop global warming and it is good that you created a blog that promotes awareness of global warming.big ups to you Saloma.

  7. Interesting stuff about global warming,Thank you for the information.
